A celebration of the Aspiring Psychologist Podcast - Thank you
Show Notes for The Aspiring Psychologist Podcast Episode 100: A celebration of the Aspiring Psychologist Podcast
Thank you for listening to the Aspiring Psychologist Podcast.
We are now just under over 2 weeks for the deadline for DclinPsy! I hope application season has gone well this year! In the meantime, we have a new episode out truly focusing on celebrating wins! We are now at 100 episodes and have been shortlisted for a few awards. So, come along and join me, as we reflect on the memorable episodes and the lovely jingles, look ahead to the future and remind you of the last date of the compassionate Q&A session for this season!
We hope you find it so useful.
I’d love any feedback you might have, and I’d love to know what your offers are and to be connected with you on socials so I can help you to celebrate your wins!
The Highlights:
- (00:00): Summary
- (01:02): Celebrating 100 episodes!
- (02:40): Date for the final compassionate Q&A session
- (05:29): Some suggestions for future podcasts!
- (07:42): Recent and future episodes
- (11:58): Recordings and finding the star of the show: the guests
- (13:59): The troubles of last-minute podcasting
- (14:50): Show notes, transcripts and other ways to make the show helpful to you
- (16:38): The Aspiring Psychologist Podcast has been nominated for an award!
- (17:34): The British Psychological Society Careers Festival
- (18:36): Reflecting on some of my favourite episodes
- (21:29): Looking ahead to the future
- (22:45): A massive closing Thank You to YOU!
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📚 To check out The Clinical Psychologist Collective Book: https://amzn.to/3jOplx0
📖 To check out The Aspiring Psychologist Collective Book: https://amzn.to/3CP2N97
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✍️ Get your Supervision Shaping Tool now: https://www.goodthinkingpsychology.co.uk/supervision
📱Connect socially with Marianne and check out ways to work with her, including the Aspiring Psychologist Book, Clinical Psychologist book and The Aspiring Psychologist Membership on her Link tree: https://linktr.ee/drmariannetrent
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Mentioned in this episode:
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Coming up in today's episode, we are celebrating the 100th
episode of the Aspiring Psychologist Podcast. We are looking at some of my
favourite memories as well as some of the things that didn't run quite so
smoothly as well as thinking about the future of the podcast. Thank you so much
for being a loyal listener. Please do tell your friends about us and I hope you
enjoy this episode.
(:Jingle: If you're looking to become a psychologist, let
this be your guide with this podcast that you'll be being qualified The
Psychologist Podcast with Dr.
(:Hi. Welcome along to the Aspiring Psychologist Podcast. I
am Dr. Marianne Trent and I'm a qualified clinical psychologist. You join me on
what is a very monumental episode. This is episode 100, and I was just doing a
few calculations that I realised that when this episode is going live, which
th of November,:first episodes and they landed on Christmas Eve 2021.
(:So we've packed quite a lot in over the last 100 episodes
and I just wanted to say a big thank you. I wanted to use today to think with
you about the future of the podcast, to think with you about some of my
highlights, to think with you about some of the things that are coming up, but
also of course to weave in some useful and interesting nuggets for your own
reflection, for your own growth. So it has felt like so long since it's just
been a solo episode, but today is exactly what that is. And of course I think
that's happened because over the summer I had loads of great guests I wanted to
speak to, but recording with them is quite tricky when I've got a house full of
noisy children. So I scheduled all of those in for September and October, which
means that I've had loads of great guests for you, but I haven't seen your
one-to-one for a while other than the Galway episode.
(:But that didn't really count because that was lots of fun
and games and people that I met along the way as well. So given that today is
the 6th of November, if you are listening to this on the day that it's
released. Then tomorrow, Tuesday, the 7th of November is the third and final
compassionate q and a for the application season. So of course in psychology,
we have those two quite distinct seasons. We've got the application season and
the interview season, and I do do the FREE Q and As to support both of those.
And then of course, the other season is he's out to fallow over the summer
where you rest and recharge and I try to leave you to your own devices then
apart from obviously listening to the podcast. So yeah, you can watch live, but
that will also be available as a replay on Tuesday the seventh, from Tuesday
the seventh.
(:You can watch it on replay by going to my YouTube, Dr.
Marianne Trent. Please do subscribe whilst you're there, like a few pieces of
content, maybe check me in a few comments and share any useful content with
your friends toot. That would be marvellous. But you can also join me live on
the night. You can join me from LinkedIn. You can join me from YouTube from my
Facebook page, which is Dr. Marianne Trent from X, formerly known as Twitter,
Dr. Marianne Trent. Although if you're joining me from Twitter, I don't believe
I can see your comments as you make them live. So you may want to pick one of
the other platforms, and if I can make it work on the evening, I will try to
livestream from Instagram using my phone as well. If you've got any questions
for me in advance, look out for the events that will be created on those
platforms within seven days before the event because it doesn't let you
schedule it before that unfortunately.
(:So there should be events that you can duck into right now
and ask any questions in advance. Otherwise, just rock up and ask me your
questions on the day. What sometimes helps is if you want me to know who you
are and to use your name, if you go along to streamyard.com, either slash
Facebook or slash LinkedIn, then you can give it your permissions so that I can
see your name. Got to love a bit of GDPR, haven't you. It'll also be streamed
live via my Facebook group, which is the Aspiring Psychologist community with
Dr. Marianne Trent. And of course it will also be live streamed to my members
in the Aspiring Psychologist membership, which you can join by clicking on the
link in my bio on any of my social media platforms or by checking out the
description or the show notes depending on how you are watching or listening to
this episode.
(:So one suggestion that I'd had for my very special 100th
episode was to include more bloopers, some of the bits that don't go right and
yeah, I guess this might be a good chance to explain that recently in the last
couple of months, I have outsourced my production of the podcast because it was
taking up quite a lot of my time. So I think until around episode mid eighties,
something like that, I edited every single episode myself. So I've learned a
lot about video and sound production over these last two years, but it's not my
forte. So I did outsource those, but it does mean that the bloopers, which I'd
started doing and now not happening, I don't get to see the bloopers anymore,
believe me, there's quite a few of them as I fluff up what I'm saying. But we
don't have the bloopers show reels anymore, which is a real shame.
(:But if there's any way we can bring them back in future,
we will do. There was also another suggestion about interviewing people who'd
been successful in the membership, which I love as an idea. I might absolutely
do that in future thinking about what people have found helpful because I know
it's a tricky thing to begin to imagine how helpful it might be. So I will
definitely add that to the research list for a future episode. I wanted to use
some of today's episode to tell you what it's meant to me and to share my
gratitude to you, my dear listeners or my dear watchers if you're watching on
YouTube, because it's felt like a really lovely community to be part of. I
still am genuinely kind of perplexed and bemused when people tell me how
helpful they find it and how nice it is to be able to tune into someone either
chatting to themselves about psychology or talking to other similarly
passionate people about their journeys and the things that they are doing in
the world of qualified or aspiring psychology.
(:You won't have met him yet, but we've got an episode with
a lovely guy coming up quite soon called Matthew. I could have spoken to him
all day, but he's messaged me several times just to say how much he enjoyed
what we did and how helpful he'd found it, how interesting he found it, and how
he mentioned during the chat. He really likes the podcast. He really finds it
useful, and what I like is it becomes part of people's fabric of their week. So
because it's always out at 6:00 AM on a Monday, although I am playing around
with that a little bit with YouTube as I record this, I did play around with
releasing episode 98 with Jonathan Padi. I did play around with releasing that
early on a Sunday afternoon. So if you like a little early look, do check out
Dr. Marianne Trent on YouTube for a little sneak peek at the episode. It's not
a sneak peek, it's the whole thing, but it's another way to get your psychology
early, so if Sundays work better for you than Mondays as a release date,
there's potentially an option there if I do continue
(:To do that. But yeah, I love hearing your feedback. I love
it when people leave me reviews, which you can do on Spotify or Apple. So
please do do that. If you've got a spare moment, you don't even have to leave a
full review. Certainly on Apple Podcasts, you can just do a rating, but if
you've got a minute more, please do leave me a review. If you are on Apple
Podcasts, go to the podcast app, find the Aspiring Psychologist podcast, then
click go to show, and then if you scroll down past about the first five or six
episodes that will come up for you, you will then get to a section for rating
and reviews, and once you've just clicked your hopefully five star review, you
can then write a review that would be so gratefully received. What do you need
to be able to be a guest on the podcast?
(:Well, an interesting story helps, but in terms of tech,
it's helpful if you've got some sort of separate headphones and a mic, but you
absolutely can use AirPods or a similar brand as well because that helps cut
down any audio noise. So I tend to mute myself when I'm not speaking, so I'm
constantly pressing buttons to allow me to speak, which does of course mean
there's quite regularly a time where I'm talking and I've forgotten to unmute
myself. It's just the modern complexities of using Zoom and teams and stuff,
isn't it? I do record on a platform called Streamyard, though, which is really
very good. I do think it's a good platform if you wanted to look into that
yourself. There's a link in the show notes, so things do not always run
smoothly in the life of a podcaster. I remember one time I accidentally deleted
or hid the entire back catalogue of my podcast that was a little bit panicked,
but I did manage to find what I'd done with it again, which was a relief.
(:I'd accidentally, I think hidden it into another folder.
And since then I've been backing it up as well, just in case Sound has probably
been the biggest Bug bear. We also changed from being an MP three only podcast
to being a YouTube video content podcast as well. We've tried to kind of roll
with the changes and get a bit of B roll in there. But yes, sound has not
always been our friend. I think hopefully we've generally stumbled across a
Mike's solution that works well for me as the host, but sometimes the sound for
guests just hasn't worked, and even myself with this podcast set up, sometimes
the sound has not been ideal. So I'm sorry. Thank you for carrying on
listening. Yeah, sometimes there's short notice cancellations because that is
life, isn't it? But generally speaking, things have run pretty smoothly. So let
me guide you through what being the host of the Aspiring Psychologist podcast
looks like.
(:So in terms of recordings, I usually record these either
on a Monday morning or on a Friday morning, although today is a Monday
afternoon because I was already recording one this morning, and I do have to
keep some of my Monday free to be able to prepare brilliant content for the
people in the Aspiring Psychologist podcast. So I do sometimes keep the whole
Monday free, but I use Monday Sessions as a backup for people who aren't free
on a Friday session to record. How do I find the guests? So if you are a long-term
listener, you'll know that I often hang out on LinkedIn, and as part of some of
the interesting conversations I have on LinkedIn, if I think it would make an
interesting episode, I do sometimes just say, how would you fancy coming on to
discuss this as an episode on the Aspiring Psychologist podcast?
(:Some people run a mile, but most do say, gosh, that would
be amazing. Thank you. I'm very excited. Once it's in the can, so to speak, I
download it and I create the little moving graphic that you will see that
appears on YouTube, which also acts as the thumbnail for YouTube as well. And
yeah, I guess I'm trying to learn quite a lot. So as I've gone along, I've
realised that you don't need to call it the title of the podcast in every
episode, nor do I need to say what episode it is on the description. Instead, I
should try and use as kind of a Click bait-y title as possible stuff that
people might actually be searching for or Googling potentially. So that's what
I try to do when I've got that ready and when I've got any social links that I
need to share for any guests that I send that to my editor, it would be really
good if in theory, we can get a little bit ahead again, because sometimes,
certainly when I was editing myself, sometimes I was only getting it finished
on Sunday and then having to get it transcribed and do the show notes.
(:Sometimes it's been quite last minute, which is quite
stressful, but we're trying to move just so we're slightly further ahead. When
I had a lovely aspiring psychologist helping me, she was able to help me get so
that we were like three or four episodes scheduled in advance. And that last
happened probably, well, we did it over the summer with the summer sound bite
series. But yeah, full length episodes were scheduled over last summer, and
then she went off travelling and we never quite recovered, but she's doing
wonderful things now and yeah, I think she liked working with me as well. So
yeah, we get that back. I get it transcribed, and then someone helps me to
create the show notes because that was a bit of the process I didn't really
enjoy, which basically, if you've never checked out the show notes, do it now.
(:Why not go along to the show? And then for each episode
there is show notes, which will give you the overview of what's in the episode.
You can also look at the transcript for each episode, should you ever want to,
and then the main chunks, if you just want to Skimm read, you can see what
topics are discussed at roughly what minutes. So that's what the show notes
are. We get a snippet or reel created as part of the edit, and then that goes
up when I remember onto TikTok when I remember onto YouTube shorts. But
regularly each week, my virtual assistant helps me to schedule it up on
Instagram because my scheduling tool does not seem to like me. I put in all the
effort to get it scheduled, and it just doesn't happen. It used to, but I seem
to have lost my own recording privileges. I do not know why. So let's just take
a little break here when you can hear about a little Booksy wie, and I'll be
back along very soon if help.
(:Jingle AD: It's right here in this book Psych.
(:How lovely it is to hear that. Again, it's been a while
since we've heard the jingles for the books because I don't tend to play those
in the joint episodes because it would be weird if suddenly in the middle of
the conversation, I just cut to the lovely jingle guys singing. So by the time
you hear this episode, the world will know whether the Aspiring Psychologist
Podcast won an award at the Independent Podcaster Award. So we were up for
three different categories, one of which was Best Jingle. Having listened to
the others, I do think it is the best. So I do hope that we may win an award
for one of the categories, but unfortunately I'm not free to go to the awards
evening in London. I would've really fancied that. It sounded quite swanky. But
yeah, I'm not free to go.
(:So I guess I'll find out retrospectively if I'm a winner.
How cool would it be to be able to say award-winning podcast? So that's
something exciting. Other things that have happened that are exciting is, I
think probably mainly because of the podcast, but also to do with the Aspiring
Psychologist Collective book and the Clinical Psychologist Collective book,
along with the free compassionate q and a series. I've been invited to do some
psychology keynotes, so by the time you listen to this, so if you are listening
to it on the day it's released the 6th of November, that is the day when I'm
going live to the British Psychological Society's Careers Festival Conference
as their opening keynote speaker, which is very exciting. How cool is that?
Actually, that's happening on the hundredth episode celebration, so that's cool
too. And then of course, I was invited to speak for the Irish Psychological
Society as well.
(:If you think that you'd like to hear me speak at one of
your upcoming events, please do get in contact with me in terms of some of my
favourite episodes of the podcast. So I know it's fresh in my memory, but I did
just have a ball putting together the Galway one. Nick gave me quite the focus
when I was spending time by myself to record and speak to myself. I think one
of the strongest episodes is the one where I'm looking at helping you to revise
and prepare better for interviews and exams. I really, really enjoyed that one.
I also really enjoyed, well, so many of them. It's hard to pick between your
babies, isn't it? But I really enjoyed talking with Alicia Hussein about her
values and as being a Muslim, it was a lot of fun to talk with Dr. Deborah
(:She just makes me smile. We were talking about working in
forensic settings, being a slightly older applicant, as well as I think we did
some neurodevelopmental type stuff as well. Had a real giggle when I met with
Ian Dempsey to talk about finances, and he has been invited back on. In fact, I
saw him this morning because it was a special request to get Ian back, so
you'll be able to hear him in the new year because we decided that's probably a
good time to start thinking about finances again. And it was, of course, a
complete honour and a privilege. Do you remember when I was so nervous and
intimidated that you could hear that I sounded a bit wobbly when I spoke with
Dr. Lucy Johnston all about formulation and the power threat meaning framework.
So it's hard to pick your favourites out of a hundred now, isn't it?
(:But I would love to know what your favourite episodes have
been, what has resonated with you most or what's made you smile? What's made
you pick up your pen and get reflecting or what's shaped what you've written on
your form or the confidence that you've been able to bring to clinical
experiences with your clients or even with supervision for that matter? I think
the boundary setting episode, which is episode eight, is really, really solid.
All of those early ones as well are just really key foundations really for
working in psychology and what's going to happen in future. So yeah, given that
I've already told you I've recorded stuff that's taking us up to the new year
and beyond, we're not stopping anytime soon. There are no plans to end. I'm
going to keep doing this, keep inviting. Really interesting guests for you to
learn, for us to shape together, for us to grow.
(:I really hope that in, I was about to say this time next
year, but it won't be this time next year because one a week is going to be
almost two years time we'll be celebrating 200 episodes. I can't quite begin to
imagine what that might look like. But of course, I guess it's also, I should
say that it's this podcast that got me the Channel five gig for inheritance
disputes. So this podcast is how they found me. So another beautiful benefits
of the podcast, which I most definitely did not see coming when I started it.
So yeah, I should be carrying on. It is quite an expensive process for me with
all of the people that I've got helping me with the podcast. So if you did want
to buy me a cup of tea to say thank you and to help cover my costs, you can do
that either directly from the Captivate Platform or by clicking my Link Tree
Link on any of my socials. And just a cup of tea would be absolutely
delightful. As you guys know, I do enjoy a cup of herbal tea.
(:Cheers. So thank you, dear listener for showing up for
consistently giving me my ratings, figures that I check in at. I can see even
today, it's just a few hours since the podcast episode has dropped already. I
can see that we've had 95 unique listeners today, and that in total 111
episodes have been downloaded. So that is pretty good for the first hours of a
podcast episode. Let's keep doing what we do. But I want this also to be a
bottom up process. So if there's something you would like to see or someone
you'd like me to interview for the podcast, do let me know. And if you can help
me by introducing me to those people, that would be marvellous as well. So
yeah, come and follow me on socials. Come and connect with me. Please do leave
those reviews. Do consider coming along to my world, being part of the Aspiring
Psychologist membership, and let me really help support you on your journey in
this wonderful career that I feel so blessed and privileged to be able to say
is mine and yours. And I really try to keep this as generic as possible so that
it's not just clinical psychology, but of course there may be a slight bias
towards the old clinical psychology. But yeah, if there's another discipline
that you would like to hear me interview, please do let me know. Thank you from
the bottom of my heart, and I'll look forward to the next 100 episodes and
beyond. Thank you so much. Take care.
(:Jingle: If you're looking to become a psychologist, this
podcast, be with Dr.